
Support Our Community

  • Your Support For Our Community

  • To help support the activities of the RPB Chabad Jewish Center, we have created the Chai Circle and are inviting you to become our partner. By becoming our partner through the Chai Circle, you are committing to a monthly donation in a multiple of 18, or "Chai", which means life in Hebrew. Annual donation options are also available. To participate with other giving options or if you have any questions, please call us at 561-225-1766 or email [email protected]

    The Torah teaches that each individual is a world. With your support of our activities, you will be helping people in our community and impacting each person’s world for the good. As a member of the Chai Circle, you will allow us to continue our important work towards a stronger Jewish tomorrow and beyond. 

  • Your gift will ensure that Chabad of Royal Palm Beach continues to be here for our community, providing a special space where everyone is embraced ... where hearts are lifted up..... where care, kindness and a helping hand is here for those in need.
    You can help people connect, find inspiration and immerse themselves in the beauty and joy of Judaism. Your gift will provide them with a wonderful space to grow, explore their Jewishness, and embrace a lifelong journey of learning.

    To participate with other giving options or if you have any questions, please call us at 561-225-1766 or email [email protected]

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